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Yttria Stabilized Zirconia Powder


Specification:   Yttria stabilized Zirconia (YSZ) is manufactured by wet chemical co-precipitation method.



                                                                               Formula                              (Y2O3)6-8(ZrO2)92-94

                                                                               Purity (excluding Hf)         99.9+%

                                                                               Form                                   Fully Stabilized Cubic Phase

                                                                               Y2O3 stabilized:                  6-8 mole%

                                                                               Melting Point                      2700oC

                                                                               Boiling Point                      ~5000oC

                                                                               Density                               6.10 gm/cm3

                                                                               Particle Size (D50):             About 10 - 45 microns

                                                                                Total metal impurities:     0.05%

YSZ has a number of applications:

  • For its hardness and chemical inertness.
  • As a refractory (in jet engines).
  • As a thermos barrier coating in gas turbines.
  • As an electro-ceramic due to its ion-conducting.
  • Used in the production of a solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC). YSZ is used as the solid electrolyte.
  • For its hardness and optical properties in monocrystal form.
  • As a material for non-metallic knife blades.
  • In water-based pastes for do-it-yourself ceramics and cements.
  • YSZ doped with rare-earth materials can act as a thermographic phosphor and a luminescent material.
  • As a high precision alignment sleeve for optical fiber connector ferrules.

  Safety Data Sheet (pdf)     Fuel Cell Grade YSZ              Thermal Spray Grade YSZ

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